Debt Collection For Landlords / Apartments

Collect on your debts faster with HP Sears, a collection agency with no upfront fees and extensive experience with landlords, property managers, and apartment communities.

Landlord debt collection made easy.

At HP Sears, we have decades of combined experience helping companies get paid faster. With highly trained debt collectors and managers, we’ve developed a debt collection process that keeps all parties (including debtors) educated and informed. Benefit from customized debt collection programs based on need, industry, and history.

As a debt collection agency based in the US, we have a deep understanding of how different industries require different debt collection services and programs. Check out some of the industries we specialize in:

✓ Business to business collections

✓ Healthcare debt collections

✓ Financial services debt collections

✓ Property management debt collections

Debt collection made for you.

laptop servers money debt made for you illustration


“Working with HP Sears was both simple and effective. They handled all of the collection details according to our specifications, kept us informed during the process, and were able to collect the entire amount owed to us in a very reasonable amount of time.

– Brian Kneale, Chief Financial Officer

Step 1 of 2

Check out our standard business flow for new accounts.

Common FAQs

What is the age limitation of accounts?

We typically work accounts up to 7 years from the date of service or last payment date. The statute of limitations varies from state to state, and legal action cannot be taken if the debt is past the statute. Accounts can still be sent to the credit reporting agency for 7 years with the exception of certain states that may restrict any collection activity past the state statute. 

Is your company a member of the American Collectors Association?

HP Sears has been a member of the ACA for many years. Our General Manager, along with many other members of HP Sears, attend annual ACA conferences and participate in online training webinars created by ACA. All of our employees are trained using educational tools purchased from the ACA. 

How is your staff trained?

All employees are educated on our company Mission Statement and Values. They receive thorough training before starting any work, and they are required to participate in monthly training, as well as regular re-fresh courses.

Contact us today to learn more.