As a collection agency nestled between two large cities (north of Los Angeles and south of San Francisco), we’ve had the pleasure of serving a wide variety of clients and industries. Due to this varied experience, we recognize the importance of treating individuals with dignity, respect, and sensitivity. Plus, since we don’t get paid without resolution, we recognize that consumer cooperation is essential. An agency does not collect more money by making an “enemy” of a consumer. Our commitments to honesty, integrity, and fairness have allowed us to grow and expand year after year. It has also enabled our clients to find a partner that cares about their business and provides account resolution with no complaints.

Whether you are searching Collection Agency Los Angeles, Collection Agency Dallas, Collection Agency Miami, HP Sears can provide a treatment process based on your specification.

HP Sears strives to provide a Zero Barrier communication approach for consumers, as well as our clients. This focus on customized communication is our key to success. We provide the type of service our clients desire (not a cookie-cutter “this is how we do it” approach).

Key Benefits:

  • Customized and secure report delivery
  • 24-hour client and consumer portals
  • Electronic communication options